TEMANGGUNG (October 18, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities Center (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" in Surakarta carried out Family-Based Social Rehabilitation (RBSK) activities at Temanggung Village Office in Temanggung Regency for 3 (three) days from 16 to 18 October 2019. The activity was opened by the Regent of Temanggung H.M Al. Khadzi accompanied by the Head of Resocialization and Further Guidance, Tutik Nurning.


Al Khadziq, Regent of Temanggung said that the family is the main supporter for people with physical disabilities to be independent and work. Even though they have physical and sensory limitations, they are able to continue working and produce creativity.


Tutik Nurning, Head of Resocialization and Advanced Guidance Department who represented the Head of BBRSPDF at the opening of the Family-Based Social Rehabilitation (RBSK) activity said that the Program had been implemented in 8 locations and 2 of them were located in Temanggung Regency.