SURAKARTA (January 14th 2020) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta, UPT Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation-Ministry of Social RI held a Coordination and Synchronization Meeting of Advanced Social Rehabilitation Programs for the 2020 Fiscal Year at the BBRSPDF Multipurpose Hall "Prof. Dr. Soeharso", the Coordinator Meeting and Synchronization of the Advanced Social Rehabilitation Program was held for two days, January 14th to 15th 2020 and was opened by the Head of the Center, Heri Kris Sritanto.
In his remarks, the Head of the Center said, "The realization of budget achievements that have been achieved well by BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta. The financial realization is 99.09%, with the physical achievement of 100%, it must be maintained and improved again. One example is that the Center must prioritize the realization of capital expenditures."
The Head of Center also motivates all employees to go to the Free Service Bureaucratic Regional Institution (WBBM) with a prescription not to be allergic to deficiencies and must be ready to be assessed by others. For this reason, BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" who has obtained the ZI-WBK predicate and achieved high budget realization needs to improve quality by conducting an external survey using the services of a survey agency that will assess the performance of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta as directed by President Joko Widodo.
Coordination and synchronization
meetings are held to present, explain and discuss internal activities in
support of social rehabilitation programs in accordance with the Progres of
5.0 NP.