SURAKARTA (26 November 2019) – The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta held Technical Guidance for the Management of Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) and related Social Services in consolidating the Progress of People with Disabilities on New Platform (PD NP Progress) ) located at the Novotel Hotel Surakarta.
Head of Resocialization and Advance Guidance, Tutik Nurning in his report said that through this activity it would be more "intimate" in coordination with LKS and Social Services especially throughout Solo Raya, as well as strengthening coordination regarding the duties and functions of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta. according to the PD Progress which includes BanTu (Aimed Assistance), Therapy, Social Care and Family Support.
The Director of the RSPD of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in his remarks delivered by the Head of Sub-Directorate for Physical RSPD Herwijati Anita Miranda Prajitno greatly appreciated this activity and said that social rehabilitation services would not be successful in just one party.
"We must work together and together establish a harmonious synergy relationship so that what we are fighting for our success. Thus the results of this activity are technical support for coordination and alignment of duties and functions as well as the role of each social rehabilitation service provider for physical disabilities according to regulations can be realized, "said Anita.
Not only giving a speech, Anita also delivered material, namely "LKS partners of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the regions in social rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities". Munawari also moderated this material.
In the second session, the material was delivered by the Head of Resocialization and Advanced Guidance, Tutik Nurning, related to "Technical Guidance for the Management of Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) and related Social Services in Stabilizing Progress PD 5.0 NP" with moderator Suyono Yusup.
This activity was attended by 60 participants consisting of representatives of LKS, Social Service, SLB throughout Solo Raya, BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta, as well as resource persons from the Directorate of RSPD and BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta. They seemed very enthusiastic about following the activity to the end.