(October 20, 2021) – Social Rehabilitation Center "Budi
Dharma" Center in Bekasi carried out the ATENSI through Integrated
Services Post (Posyandu) activity for the elderly in Bekasi Regency. The Elderly
Posyandu was developed following the direction of the Minister of
Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, that Posyandu is a form of Community Based
Health Efforts (UKBM) which is managed and organized from, by, and for the
The Elderly
ATENSI Posyandu is an integrated services post carried out by the community to
provide integrated social services to the elderly, both individually and
collectively. This activity is carried out to improve the social
welfare of the elderly through community empowerment and provide convenience
for the elderly in obtaining social welfare services.
In addition,
Posyandu aims to be a forum or facility for the elderly community; to increase
the physical and psychological endurance of the elderly so as not to get sick
easily; to maintain the functional status of the elderly to remain
active and healthy by routinely conducting health checks; to increase
interaction among the elderly, families, and the younger generation through
integrated service activities; and to increase the role of the elderly in
Based on
these directions, the "Budi Dharma" Center in Bekasi began to open
the implementation of the Posyandu activity which was held at the "Teratai
Posyandu" in Karang Satria Village (12/10) and was attended by 20 elderly.
The implementation of this activity was also accompanied by the local
government such as Nur Wahyi as the Camat Secretary, Zainuddin Resan as
the Village Head, the Head of the Public Health Center, and Cadres.
In the next
activity, Posyandu was held in Jatimulya Village (14/10) and the activity was
attended by 20 elderly. At the opening of this Posyandu, it was started by
providing counseling about the elderly ATENSI Posyandu by conveying the
purpose, types of activities and triggering the name of the Posyandu, selecting
the chairman and making an appointment or commitment of all participants to be
active in the activities of the elderly ATENSI Posyandu. So the name "Posyandu
Bahagia" was born in Jatimulya Village.
This October,
similar activities are planned to be carried out in Setia Mekar Village and
Kebalen Village by inviting the Village Head and the Head of the local Public Health