BOGOR (5 August 2021) – Branch Office of PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (Alfamart) Bogor, West Java held a special selection of employees for persons with disabilities. A total of 6 Beneficiaries (PM) of the Jakarta "Melati" residential program took part in the Alfamart recruitment selection test which took place at the Alfamart Dc Bogor Warehouse Office on Thursday (5/8/2021).


Previously, the Alfamart Balaraja Tangerang Branch Office recruited PM and alumni of Social Rehabilitation Center Melati Jakarta on May 19, 2021, and of the 21 recruitment participants, 3 PMs and 1 alumni of "Jasmine" Center of Jakarta were declared graduated and had attended training until the placement process in Alfamart store for the Tangerang City area.


The head of the Jakarta Melati Center, Romal Uli Jaya Sinaga, assigned Vivi Indriani, a speech therapist and Endah Ambarsari, a social worker to assist in the recruitment process at Alfamart Bogor.


“Once again, Melati Center has a valuable opportunity to channel PM to the world of work. This is a matter of pride because the Center’s partners have given confidence that the Center’s graduates are ready to train and work. Our highest appreciation goes to Alfamart for supporting the government's efforts to provide equal opportunities for persons with disabilities to be able to work like non-disabled people," said Romal.


Alfamart Bogor Branch currently employs 20 employees with disabilities, including persons with hearing and speech sensory disabilities and persons with mild physical disabilities. This is the company's effort to realize the mandate of Law Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities that private companies are required to employ at least 1% of persons with disabilities of the total number of workers.


Led directly by Restu Ardani, Manager of Human Resources and Development (HRD) Alfamart Bogor branch, the selection process took place from 09.00 to 16.00 WIB. Direct interviews with each PM were conducted to determine their capture power by using oral communication media.


“We will convey the results of the selection process to the leadership. We are trying to make friends who take part in today's selection not only placed in the warehouse (helper), but we hope that some can be placed as crew stores, because from the selection results we see that some people have quite good oral communication, "said Restu.

Furthermore, the graduation announcement will be informed via WhatsApp message to each participant. The next stage is the Online Technical Test which will be held by Alfamart Head Office as a placement process for the crew store position, while for the Warehouse position (helper) training will be carried out at the Alfamart Dc Bogor Warehouse Office.

Vivi Indriani, a speech therapist who accompanied PM during the recruitment process conveyed the message from the leadership of the Jakarta Melati Center to the management of Alfamart Bogor Branch.

"In addition to cooperation related to job recruitment, we also hope that Alfamart's management is willing to organize stall entrepreneurship training for PM at the Center. Melati Center plans to launch a “Mini Mart” outlet in the ATENSI Creation Center which was originally set to be inaugurated this August,” said Vivi.

Responding to the offer, the HRD Alfamart Bogor Branch said it would immediately report this to the leadership and immediately provide further information on whether this can be followed up together.