WEST LOMBOK (March 6th 2020) - The "Paramita" Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children in Mataram through the Social Assessment and Advocacy Team (AAS) responded to cases of children who were victims of sexual crimes in East Lombok Regency.

The AAS team departed at 09.00 WITA and headed straight to the East Lombok Regency Social Services Agency to coordinate in advance with the head of the service as a form of Whole of Government (WoG) and at the same time notify that the Ministry of Social Affairs through the UPT Children's Hall "Paramita" responded to cases to residents who become one of the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS).

Furthermore, at 11.00 WITA, the AAS team accompanied by the East Lombok Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos), Harniati, immediately visited the location of the residence of the Prospective Beneficiary (CPM). Upon arriving at the house of CPM's biological father, the AAS team and entourage were received directly by the uncle (the younger brother of his biological father) and he said that the child was ready to be referred to the "Paramita" Children's Hall.

"Paramita" Children's Hall Social Instructor, Den Ardani said, "Prepare yourself, bring enough items, such as: clothes, school books, and other equipment. Our message while inside the Hall is never to leave without permission (run away), if you miss with the family the Balai will connect with the family by telephone and if there is an opportunity the family can visit our hall."

At the end of the case response activity session, the AAS team explained to the family that while in Paramita, children will be safe and protected and we will provide social rehabilitation services through therapeutic therapy carried out by social workers and all professional fields related to children. [Den.A]