BIMA (September 24, 2019) - Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Paramita" Mataram, Ahmad Subarkah, accompanied by Bima Regency and Bima City Social Workers Staff Unit, paid a visit to the victim of archery that resulted in injured victim at the head of the head the back left. The victim was unconscious and could only lie down and get makeshift treatment.
The incident experienced by the victim began on Thursday, May 9, 2019 around 21.30 WITA. At that time the victim along with her friends were in front of the Raba Bima District Court office. Shortly thereafter, they went to the west with a tricycle, where the victim sat in the rear position.
Right in front of the Prosecutor's Office suddenly the offender came from behind and immediately released an arrow and hit the back of the victim's left head. The perpetrators kicked the motorized victim's motorcycle until they fell before finally escaping.
Seeing the injured, his friends immediately asked for help from people who were watching volleyball and were immediately rushed to the Bima District Hospital. Right at 00.00 WITA, the victim was referred to the NTB Provincial Hospital to get better treatment.
During this visit, BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram sought to submit assistance for the costs of care and treatment for victim who was not yet able to move and were still infused.
However, it is unfortunate that victim cannot be saved. The team received information that the victim died in the evening after advocacy from BRSAMPK “Paramita” Mataram team.
BRSAMPK "Paramita" Social Advocacy for Archery Victim

BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N