MAKASSAR (April 27th 2020) – Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection "Toddopuli" in Makassar to carry out the Guidance and Consolidation of Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) who receive Social Assistance (Bansos) through a Video Conference. This activity was attended by 87 respondents consisting of Regional Head of Social Assistance BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" in Makassar, representatives of 7 Provincial Social Services namely: South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Papua and West Papua, Supervisors for Social Workers and Social Worker Service Unit. The Chairperson of the Child Welfare Institution (LKSA) who will receive Social Assistance and also a representative from the Child Directorate.

Christiana Junus, Head of BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" Makassar in her speech explained that for 2020 Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection "Toddopuli" in Makassar will distribute Social Assistance to 1050 children for 7 working areas of provinces. The data is sourced from Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) sent by Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation which was subsequently verified and validated by elements of social, supervisor, Social Worker Service Unit through Vicon with BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" Regional Social Assistance Team in Makassar.

In this guidance and consolidation, two speakers were also presented, namely: Kanya Eka Santi, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation and Sri Nuriah Syahrir from BNI Mattoangin Branch.

Kanya, explained that social assistance distribution mechanism was almost same as last year, data was sourced from Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) Center for Social Affairs, managed by Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation and sent to Ministry of Social RI's Office.

The purpose of this assistance is to improve social functioning of children and families, which is carried out in a holistic, systematic and standardized manner, implemented by Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, Balai/Loka AMPK, in collaboration with LKSA, Social Services and other partners.

This assistance is provided through children's accounts, be it for Children Needing Special Protection (AMPK), Children Needing Social Function Development (AMPFS), and also Children Against the Law (ABH). The source of funding for social assistance comes from  APBN.

Sri explained that BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" in Makassar had submitted a Fund Disbursement Order (SP2D) to Other Government Accounts (RPL) of Rp. 1,050,000,000 for 1,050 children. 827 active children's accounts and efforts to accelerate account creation for 223 new ones. The completion target will be pursued this week so that issuance process of Recipient's Decree will be realized immediately. Sri also explained that there is a possibility that not all children's savings accounts use savings book instead use a sheet of paper in relation to availability in each region.

 The amount of assistance per child of 1,000,000 consists of:

  1. 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah) for Child Aim Assistance, and
  2. 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah), for childcare activities, family support, and therapy.

Hopefully after disbursement of social assistance funds, LKSA will use and realize these funds accordance with technical guidelines that have been determined by Ministry of Social Affairs, accompanied by Social Worker Service Unit and supervised by the local and Provincial Social Services.