MEDANG DERAS (22 November 2019) – The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of  Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) “Insyaf” in Medan has partnered with Youth Organizations in Medang Deras District. A total of 40 members of the Youth Organization participated in the activities held at the Pakam Raya Village Hall.

"Drug abuse is now an extraordinary phenomenon that is very frightening and very dangerous for our future generations. The bad impact of drug abuse has also touched almost all levels of society in all groups. If this condition continues, the result is a clear decline in the quality of the younger generation. which means it will impact on the level of welfare in the community, "said Experienced Surbakti, Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section of BRSKPN" Insyaf "Medan.

This condition is certainly a problem for adolescents, parents and society. For this reason, the main requirement to avoid drug abuse is to "prevent". "We cannot work alone without support from community organizations," added Experienced.

Prevention is better than cure as we know that the work effect caused by drug abuse in general is that it can stimulate, disrupt and also reduce the activity of the central nervous system, and people who are already experiencing drug dependence, are likely to experience damage to their organs which in will eventually result in death.

Also attending as a resource person was Muhamad Rapik Daulay, a counselor from the National Narcotics Agency of Batubara Regency who provided material related to government policies in combating drug trafficking. The activity went well and received a positive response from members of the Youth Organization, Pemuda Pancasila. [IR]