DELI SERDANG (November 5, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse "Insyaf" Medan, North Sumatra, conducts field trip for service recipients. The field trip program was held at the Deli Serdang Lubuk Pakam swimming pool and was attended by 56 service recipients who were undergoing an advanced social rehabilitation program.
In carrying out the social rehabilitation program, not all service recipients can follow it seriously and responsibly. There are times when service recipients experience extreme boredom and boredom because of the routine in the hostel. Therefore, field trip for service recipients play an important role in increasing motivation, cooperation and solidarity while they undergo the recovery process, "said Ninik Khotijah as Head of Social Rehabilitation Services for BRSKPN" Insyaf "Medan.
Field excursions are packaged in
the form of recreation, education and psychosocial therapy so that field trip
can add insight, develop creativity and awareness for service recipients so as
not to abuse drugs.