BEKASI (May 7, 2020) - The “Budhi Dharma” Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) in Bekasi has prepared a temporary shelter for victims affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the old office building. This is in accordance with the instruction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation (Dirjen Rehsos), Harry Hikmat, who instructed that 41 Technical Implementing Units within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to prepare Temporary Shelters for victims affected by COVID-19.

Harry Hikmat also visited and saw the facilities provided at the Temporary Shelter of the Budhi Dharma Center for the Elderly in Bekasi which were prepared for victims affected by COVID-19. Victims of COVID-19 such as workers and/or families affected by Termination of Employment (PHK) and do not have a place to live in Jabodetabek and need a temporary place to live. They will be served for approximately three months.

Since April 27, 2020, the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Center for the Elderly has accepted the elderly according to the COVID-19 safety and prevention protocol. Those who come to the Center are required to wash their hands, spray their belongings with disinfectant, register, and immediately take a rapid test to be placed in a special room that has been provided.

Currently, at the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Center for the Elderly, 1 person comes alone, 2 people were escorted by the police, 1 person from the Karawang Social Service, and 7 people from the DKI Jakarta Social Service, and 1 person from North Tambun District. Therefore, there are 12 elderly at the Center as of now. 

As time goes by, the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Center for the Elderly has brought together 2 elderly families, so the overall number of the elderly who are in temporary shelter post is 10 people.

The COVID-19 Temporary Shelter Post is guarded by State Apparatus (ASN) and honorary residents who live in the complex of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Bekasi by shift for 24 hours.