TERNATE (November 12, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Wasana Bahagia" in Ternate held a Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRES) for PLHIV Community Base Care through Technical Guidance for Social Welfare Institution (LKS) Officers of PLWHA, located in the room meeting of BRSODH "Wasana Bahagia”.
The Technical Guidance activity for LKS PLHIV officers was opened by the Head of the Balai, Udan Suheli, accompanied by the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Service Section, Jamila Moh. Zen, and the Head of the Assessment and Advocacy Section Sungadi as well as the delivery of LKS operational assistance amounting to Rp. 10,000,000, -
Udan Suheli in his speech said that LKS is a partner center that must continue to work together to improve social welfare services to friends of PLWHA. It is hoped that the partnership with LKS in providing social welfare services will also increase the scope of services provided by the center. Prospective service administrators who have obstacles to participate in activities at the center can be intervened by partner LKS.
This activity took place on 11-15 November 2019. Participants in the activity were representatives of LKS PLWHA in North Maluku, namely LKS Maku Dudara Ternate and LKS My Hope Halmahera Utara.
Technical Guidance Participants get material and practice for 5 days regarding the Social Rehabilitation Program for PLHIV organized by the Hall, Social Rehabilitation of PLHIV based on LKS, Case Conference, preparation of service recipient databases, Assessment of the Social Welfare Services Recipients, preparation of activity reports, finance and LKS administration.