TERNATE (November 5, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Wasana Bahagia" Ternate collaborated with the radio broadcasting station RRI Pro 1 Ternate to socialize the Social Rehabilitation Program for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PROGRES PLWHA). The talkshow concept program presented the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section Sungadi, the Head of the Administration Section M. Ikram A. Rachman, the nurse officer Arif B. Prabowo and a representative of the Service Recipient of the Balai "R" as a resource.

On this occasion, the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, Sungadi, explained about the services provided by the Balai, especially the case response. The hope is that all types of social problems experienced by PLWHA can be intervened. "The types of response to the case consist of emergencies, outreach, IEC, Independence, Time Bound Shelter, Home Based Care and halfway houses," said Sungadi.

In the question and answer session, one of the listeners asked about HIV transmission which was then answered by Arif B. Prabowo by explaining the principle of HIV transmission and ending with a testimony from a PPKS who shared his experience during the rehabilitation program in the Balai.