BOGOR (October 25, 2019) - The Ciungwanara Bogor Intellectual Disability (BRSPDI) Bogor Rehabilitation Center held a Case Conference on the issue of the Social Welfare Services Government (PPKS) in the BRSPDI Meeting Room "Ciungwanara" Bogor.
Activities aimed at revealing PPKS problems during the rehabilitation process inside the Balai and finding solutions to the responses, suggestions and recommendations of the participants were attended by the Head of Social Rehabilitation Services Section, Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, Social Workers, Social Counsellor, Nurses, Occupations Therapist, and Boarding Advisor. Case discussion is also one form of social rehabilitation services conducted by the Balai in providing optimal services to PPKS with Intellectual Disabilities (PDI).
In this activity five PPKS members
were discussed who had constraints in the rehabilitation process, one of which
was the presence of PPKS who were angry and sometimes hit nearby objects if
their wishes were not met. Therefore, the follow-up given is the need for
therapy and special assistance so that PPKS learn to manage their emotions.