BOGOR (October 28, 2019) - Bogor Ciungwanara's Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) conducts counseling on the handling of the Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS) Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (PDI) in the family and community. This activity was held in Cimandala Village, Sukaraja District, Bogor City and was attended by PKK ladies and Cimandala Urban Village employees.
The attention and closeness of the family for PPKS PDI has a meaningful meaning for the process of protection and growth and development. Knowledge and capacity building of parents and the community in dealing with PPKS PDI early on will have a significant impact in caring for, nurturing, educating and enhancing the talents and potential that each PPKS PDI has.
The purpose of this counseling is to increase the awareness of parents and the community about the importance of family support in handling PPKS PDI. Preparedness and parental support are the keys to successful handling, as well as support from the community and government in providing an environment and facilities that are friendly to PPKS PDI.