PATI (13 November 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Margo Laras" in Pati held a Heroes' Day Commemoration with the theme "Youth Goes To BRSPDM" Margo Laras "in Pati by inviting 100 students from eight schools in the district. Pati, both high school and junior high school students.

"Youth Goes To BRSPDM" Margo Laras "in Pati which was held in the Hall was a program to introduce youth to Center as well as instill heroic values that could later be implemented in school life, one of which was caring for others.

The activity was opened by the Head of BRSPDM "Margo Laras" Pati, Jiwaningsih. In his remarks, Jiwaningsih stated that it is time for teenagers to care about others by imitating the values exemplified by our hero predecessors. "Adolescents must be able to care about social problems, for example people with mental disabilities," he said.

Prior to the provision of material by Social Counselors and Social Workers, an ice breaking was held to create solidarity and increase enthusiasm for participants in to take part in the activity. Followed by material from Social Workers, Sutini with the theme "Smart Youth and Care for Peoples".

Sutini explained about the values of heroism, how to become today's heroes who care for others. Followed by Social Instructor, Diah Fajarini by showing a film about teenagers who want to help others (today's heroes). Participants are invited to emulate and become today's heroes. Apart from that, Diah also invited the participants to respect differences, in order to eliminate the intolerance that often appears lately.

The event was closed by the Head of Subdivision of Administration, Rahayu Anggraheni who is usually called Yayuk. He expressed his gratitude for the attendance of the participants and assistants, and apologized if anyone was not happy with the implementation of this activity.