SUKABUMI (October 24, 2019) - In the implementation of the New Platform 5 Cluster Social Rehabilitation Program (Progres 5.0 NP) and the Social Rehabilitation Program of People with Disabilities (PD Progres), the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Phala Martha" in Sukabumi developed skills Livelihood of Social Welfare Services Recipient (PPKS) through Work Learning Practices (PBK) in the work environment for 10 days. One type of business skills developed is to make printed batik in one of the batik-making centers in the City of Sukabumi, namely Lokatmala Batik.

There were 8 Social Welfare Service Recipient participating in the Work, Learning, and Practice (PBK) at the batik center, accompanied by instructors and officers from the Social Rehabilitation Services section.

Cooperation with business establishments is a form of network-based social rehabilitation that is a partner in developing the social functions of Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS), specifically independence in doing business. This activity was also a follow up to the implementation of the Entrepreneurship Workshop on the development of potential types of businesses for Social Welfare Service Recipient to implement when returning to the community.