SUKABUMI (October 3, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities "Phala Martha" conducted a Case Response to the Problem of Mental Disabilities in the District of Selayar Islands, South Sulawesi Province.

"In the implementation of PROGRES 5.0 NP, synergy between various parties must continue to be improved in carrying out education and social facilitation of stock issues for people with mental disabilities," said A. Heri Kusumawardana, Head of BRSPDM "Phala Martha" Social Assessment Section.

There are at least 16 cases of stock recorded in the Selayar Islands Regency. The problems that led to the occurrence of the case were the low understanding of the family and community, the economic conditions of the community, geographical conditions that prevented accessibility, and the erroneous cultural patterns that were still held by the family.

This case response activity was carried out in Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi Province on 1-4 October 1-4, 2019. South Sulawesi Province Social Service, Selayar Islands Regency Social Service, Selayar Islands District Health Office, Community Health Center, Disability Assistance, Local Officials and community leaders help each other to be able to deal with Mental Disability problems systematically, holistically and in a standardized manner.