KUPANG (October 17, 2019) - East Nusa Tenggara Province is one of the working areas of the "Mahatmiya" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensoric Disabilities (BRSPDSN). After carrying out the ToT (Training of Trainer) activities, the BRSPDSN "Mahatmiya" Bali supervised and monitored the implementation of the skills transfer from the companion to the Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS).

The Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section Putu Esti explained that the purpose of the supervision of this companion was to see the extent to which the ToT participants transmitted knowledge gained and helped transfer their knowledge to Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS). "A month after the ToT activity is underway, we want to see the extent of the development of knowledge that has been transmitted by ToT participants to Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS)," Putu Esti said.

ToT participants were 25 people while Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS) were trained by 50 people. "At the end of the activity, PPKS will be given stimulants to develop businesses so that they have social capability and social responsibility," concluded Esti.