BEKASI (8 November 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Tan Miyat" Bekasi handed over self-reliance efforts for 150 people with blind sensory disabilities (PDSN) through the LKS Social Welfare Institution in eight locations.

The eight locations for the delivery of assistance for independence efforts include Aceh Province 25 people, Depok City 25 people, Bekasi Regency 20 people, Karawang Regency 20 people, Bogor City 25 people, Purwakarta Regency 20 people, Kuningan Regency 10 people and Bangka Belitung Islands Province 5 people.

This independence effort assistance is given to PDSN under LKS guidance, including: DPD PPDI Aceh Province, DPC Pertuni Depok City, DPC Pertuni Bekasi Regency, DPC Pertuni Purwakarta Regency, DPC PPDI Karawang Regency, Bogor City Mentari Hati Foundation, DPD Pertuni. Bangka Belitung, and YPALB Perwari Kuningan.

The assistance provided was in the form of shiatsu beds, glass windows, fans, plastic cabinets, curtains, mobile phones, goats and chickens, refrigerators and business assistance planks. This assistance is given in order to develop the massage businesses and entrepreneurs they are currently doing.