MANGGARAI (September 25, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabled Sensors of the Deaf Speech (BRSPDSRW) "Efata" Kupang held the Family and Community Strengthening Gathering (TEPUKMAS) event, followed by 40 PDSRW and families, 10 Social Mentors and Three Skills Instructors and three Translators and three Translators SIBI language, Wednesday (9/25/).
"I hope that in the future the service recipients will be able to start their own businesses independently with the social assistance that has been provided. Families and communities also helped to pioneer businesses for PDSRW which had been given business capital skills and assistance, "said Stefanus Mau as the Head of the BRFDSRW" Efata "Kupang Social Assessment and Advocacy Section.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Manggarai Regency Social Service, Rafael Paseli Ogur, highly appreciated TEPUKMAS activities.
"This activity is very beneficial for the community, especially the PDSRW in Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. We hope that all participants can utilize the assistance received as best they can so that their independence can be realized," said Rafael.
Assistance provided to each PDSRW is in the form of a livestock package in the form of a pair of two-month-old pigs, a culinary package in the form of cooking equipment and materials, as well as a sewing package that is a sewing machine as well as a sewing material. The assistance package is given according to the type of training that is followed by the PDSRW.
BRSPDSRW "Efata" Strengthens the Role of Families Accompanying Persons with Disabilities

Humas BRSPDSRW "Efata" Kupang
Intan Qonita N
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