JAKARTA (July 24, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Social Rehabilitation Center distributes Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program for the elderly. This time the assistance was distributed to two elderly, among others grandma Ayunah and grandma Romlah in Jakarta.


Based on previous reports of public complaints to the Ministry of Social Affairs, both were reported to need assistance and had never received any other assistance such as Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Cash Social Assistance (BST), and the Family Hope Program (PKH).


The Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center immediately followed up on the complaint. Even during the Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) implementation, the Center officers remained enthusiastic in providing services to the elderly. To get complete information, the Center’s officers carry out a Remote Assessment (AJJ).


Based on the assessment carried out, Romlah (83 years old), lives in her own house with her son-in-law, children and grandchildren, a total of six people in one house. Her health condition is not good because he has had a stroke for approximately 6 years making all his activities carried out in a wheelchair.


In addition, economic conditions are also less stable because the family only depends on one child, while the other children do not work to take turns taking care of Romlah and other children take care of their grandson who has leukemia.


From this condition, the ATENSI assistance provided was in the form of nutritional assistance (milk, honey, biscuits, and vitamins for the elderly), clothing (clothes, worship tools, pampers), room facilities (bed, mattress, blanket, and pillow), and health packages (@handsanitizer and mask).


In addition, for future survival, Romlah was also given ATENSI assistance in the form of family support assistance with a shop business. This assistance will be managed by her children and grandchildren with the consideration that one of the businesses her son had undertaken before the pandemic was selling vegetable lontong, but now it is quiet and has stopped selling.


Now with the help of family support in the form of business capital, Romlah's family will open a grocery store/daily necessities. The proceeds from the sale will be used to meet the needs of Romlah's family. "We thank the Minister of Social Affairs, it will help to fulfill the family's economy with the business assistance that has been given so that it runs well," said Nida, Romlah's granddaughter.

Meanwhile, grandma Ayunah (80 years old) is an elderly who lives with two children, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. The fulfillment of his daily life is assisted by her 6 children. Ayunah lives in her own house and is still in a livable condition. In her daily life, Ayunah can still carry out activities independently, but sometimes her stomach disease often recurs.

Ayunah also received similar assistance, namely nutrition assistance, clothing, room facilities, and health packages. This ATENSI assistance was distributed to the two elderly today with shopping assistance by the Center’s officials. Both of them felt happy and at the same time emotional when they received the assistance.

Grandmother Ayunah said thank you and was happy to receive the assistance. "Thank God this assistance is very much, I thank the Ministry of Social Affairs from the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center for helping me", Ayunah said.

The implementation of AJJ to the distribution of ATENSI assistance is an effort by the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center to respond quickly to the problems experienced by the elderly during this Covid-19 pandemic. This is also a form of the state's presence through the Ministry of Social Affairs in optimizing the ability to live for the elderly.