BEKASI (16 June 2021) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through Budhi Dharma Bekasi Center distributed Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program to 4 elderly people who were assisted by the Thariiqul Jannah Elderly Social Welfare Institution (LKS LU) Bekasi City.


The delivery of ATENSI assistance was carried out after previously on 27 May 2021 a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the elderly assisted by LKS LU Thariiqul Jannah was carried out. The results of the assessment show various problems and the need for accessibility tools in the form of wheelchairs and walking sticks.


As a follow-up to the results of the assessment that has been carried out, Section Head of Social Rehabilitation Services at Budhi Dharma Bekasi Center, Indrawan and Mugiono handed over ATENSI assistance for accessibility tools for 4 elderly people in the form of 2 wheelchairs and 2 walking sticks for the elderly in Pengasinan Village, Rawalumbu, Bekasi City.


"Through ATENSI, we can carry out identification and needs assessments to find out the problems and needs of the elderly, on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs through Budhi Dharma Bekasi Center, thank LKS LU Thoriiqul Jannah for connecting us for the needs of the elderly. The assistance is expected to restore the spirit of life and facilitate movement in the home environment," said Indrawan.


Taswi, the wife of Siswanto, who has suffered a stroke for the past year and is unable to work independently, expressed her gratitude for the wheelchair assistance she received for her husband.


The head of LKS LU Thariiqul Jannah, Yanuar expressed his gratitude for the quick response of Budhi Dharma Bekasi Center.


"The assistance received is certainly very useful for the elderly who currently really need assistive devices in the form of wheelchairs and tripod sticks. We feel very helpful with the easy process and short time," said Yanuar.