BEKASI (18 June 2021) - One of the government's requirements in providing programs and social protection for beneficiaries is the existence of valid population data. Unfortunately, there are still many people, especially displaced people, who have not been registered in the population data. This is indicated by the large number of beneficiaries who do not have a Population Identification Number (NIK).


The same problem is often encountered by the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center. The absence of a NIK is often an obstacle because not all elderly have an Electronic Identity Card (KTP-el). Meanwhile, according to Law No. 13 of 2011 on Poverty Handling Articles 10 and 11, the determination and use of Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) must be based on NIK.


For this reason, the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center cooperates with the Bekasi City Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil) to record e-KTP data. The Head of the Center, Pujiyanto said that all Beneficiaries (PM) in the Center must have a NIK listed on e-KTP as the main requirement in receiving services in the Center.


Recording of e-KTP data was carried out for nine elderly people. E-KTP recording is done with the Biometric system through fingerprint (recording) and retina scan (eye retina recording). Head of the Bekasi City Disdukcapil, Taufiq Rachmat Hidayat said that his party strongly supports the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center in providing social services for the elderly.


"We are very supportive and ready to help the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center in providing services to the elderly," said Taufiq.


The Head of the Population Data Collection Section of the Bekasi City Disdukcapil said that "From the recordings carried out, it was found that 5 people had never been recorded before, so that data processing must be carried out immediately starting from the local RT / RW and added to the recommendations of the Bekasi City Social Service. Meanwhile, the other 4 people with NIK are outside the Bekasi area, so they must be managed in their respective areas,” said Okta.


In the future, the implementation of this recording service will be carried out by the Bekasi City Disdukcapil. This will facilitate the service because it can facilitate the elderly who are bedridden (lying in bed).