SEMBALUN (July 29, 2022) - National Children's Day (HAN) which is celebrated every July 23, still has many stories. The series of HAN activities organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs in East Lombok are still ongoing. The children's euphoria in celebrating this children's day was felt.


"Handayani" Center Jakarta held the Social Worker Goes to School Activities simultaneously, which had been carried out since this morning at three schools, including SDN 01 Sembalun, SMPN 01 Sembalun, and SMAN 01 Sembalun.


The Principal of SDN 01, Saprudin welcomed this activity openly. "I am very happy, our children can show their potential, dance and play together. Hopefully, there will be more activities like this, considering the location of our school is often forgotten because it is far from the city. Thank you MoSA," said Saprudin.


The series of this activity at SDN 01 Sembalun were divided into two groups. One group is in grades 1, 2, and 3, while the other groups are in grades 4, 5, and 6. The class 1, 2, and 3 groups are given educational materials about nutritious food and drinks, as well as personal hygiene through "storytelling" and "role play". Social workers use cow costumes to make it more attractive and easier to provide an understanding of educational materials to children in grades 1, 2, and 3. Meanwhile, children in grades 4, 5, and 6 participate in games and group dynamics. This activity was warmly welcomed by all the children. They are not shy about sharing stories, answering questions, discussing, expressing opinions, and even dancing.


Furthermore, at SMAN 01 Sembalun, the activity begins with self-introduction, sex education materials from an early age, adolescent health, and reaching out. The children who were involved in this activity were welcomed enthusiastically. Collaboration between Social Workers, Social Counselors, Nurses, Addiction Counselors, and others adds to the broad knowledge provided in this activity.


In the afternoon, the activity was held at SMPN 1 Sembalun. Welcomed by the children, the activity began with a guessing game. Then, the activity continued with material on anti-bullying, reaching out, and adolescent health. The children were enthusiastic about participating in this activity, marked by the number of questions and discussions that took place.


"Thank you MoSA and "Handayani" Center for distributing useful materials for me, especially regarding youth issues, thank you also for the door prizes, stationery, and food that have been given to us," said Lidya, one of the participants.


All participants in this activity were given ATENSI assistance in the form of food parcels, nutrition, door prizes, transportation, and other gifts. The series of activities in Sembalun Village by "Handayani" Center will continue with the Social Worker Goes to Community on the next day.