LOMBOK TIMUR (July 28, 2022) – Enlivening the series of events for National Children's Day (HAN) 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the “Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar distributes ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) assistance packages to 208 children worth IDR151,355,150 in sub-districts Wanasaba, Lombok Timur Regency, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
ATENSI assistance received in the form of nutrition, children's toys, children's special needs clothing, school supplies and children's hygiene supplies. The assistance provided is adjusted to the results of the officer's assessment through the SIKS-NG Mobile application, making it easier for officers in the field and on target.
"The distribution of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' ATENSI assistance through the Aceh "Darussa'adah" Center to 208 children in Wanasaba District in the context of National Children's Day can increase children's motivation to become great Indonesian children." concluded the Head of the "Darussa'adah" Center in Aceh Besar, Susi Mulyati.
The Wanasaba District welcomes and fully supports the series of HAN 2022 activities carried out by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.
"We are grateful to the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Tri Rismaharini, who has been willing to involve Wanasaba District in the 2022 HAN activities and help our community, especially our children in need," said the Head of Wanasaba Yusri sub-district.
The activity of distributing attention assistance in the framework of the 2022 HAN was enlivened by the performance of the traditional Rudat dance from the children of the Gema Ragaramarasa Al Istiqomah art studio.
In addition, there is also a place for children to play with a variety of games so that children feel comfortable and happy.
"Alhamdulillah, it was only this year that we received assistance for our child, thank you, Mrs. Social Minister," said Nur, one of the parents who received the ATENSI assistance.
Commemorating HAN 2022: Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes 208 ATENSI Assistance Packages in Wanasaba
Tim Humas Sentra Darussa’adah
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N