BEKASI (October 1, 2022) - The ceremony to
commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day 2022 was held in the yard of Pangudi Luhur
Integrated Center Office in Bekasi. The enthusiasm of the participants in
commemorating Pancasila Sanctity Day could be seen on the faces of the
participants of the ceremony. The ceremony was attended by all employees in Pangudi
Luhur Integrated Center Bekasi. The ceremony began at 08.00 a.m., the ceremony
took place solemnly.
The inspector for the
ceremony was led directly by I Ketut Supena the Head of Pangudi Luhur
Integrated Center Bekasi. The theme of the Pancasila Sanctity Day in 2022 is
“Rise Together with Pancasila”. The ceremony ended at 08.20 a.m., then
continued with taking photos with all employees of Pangudi Luhur Center Bekasi.