TANGERANG (9 February 2022) - MoSA bureaucratic reform policy which was directly supervised by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, received appreciation and support from Commission VIII of the DPR RI.


This was conveyed directly in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) between MoSA with Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) regarding the Program and Budget Policy Direction of the Ministry of Social Affairs following Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 110 Year 2021 at the Gading Serpong Episode Hotel, Tuesday (9/2).


The quality of human resources, handling the elderly, the role of companions, and general policies in dealing with poverty are important notes in the FGD discussions by Commission VIII of the DPR RI.


Social Minister Risma explained, based on the explanation from the Deputy for Institutional and Management Affairs of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reforms, the implementation of social welfare and its relationship with the handling of the poor were separated between Social Rehabilitation, Social Security, Social Protection and Social Empowerment.


Integrated data management for the poor is carried out by the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) whose basic data is obtained from the Integrated Data on Social Welfare, and the data is not contained in the same Directorate General.


The chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, Yandri Susanto, emphasized the importance of this policy coupled with ensuring the competence of Human Resources (HR) related to the Organizational Restructuring Policy.


"The importance of implementing an evaluation of HR both at the center and in the regions so that organizational performance can be further improved," said Yandri.


On this occasion also Commission VIII of the DPR RI has approved the proposed budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs for the 2022 Fiscal Year amounting to Rp.78,256,327,121,000. Specifically for the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, the budget ceiling in 2022 is Rp. 16,634,809,234.


Changes in organization and governance after the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 110 of 2021 on the Ministry of Social Affairs consist of the Secretariat General, Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Inspectorate General, and Senior Advisor to the Minister.


The FGD activity was led by the Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI Yandri Susanto and was attended by the vice chairman and members who were present online and offline, Echelon I and II Officials within the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Special Staff to the Minister.