JAKARTA (September 1,
2022) – Handayani Center in collaboration with the management of the
Neighborhood Association (RT) 006 Bambu Apus, East Jakarta Cipayung, and also
the Industrial Development Training Center (PPKPI) Pasar Rebo Jakarta,
collaborated to hold Competency-based Vocational Training with the Mobile Training
Unit (MTU), To develop and increase the role of Handayani Center for
the community around the Center.
The MTU training held
consisted of vocational motorcycles, computer operators, and engineering. Each
MTU was attended by ten participants from the community around the center. This
activity will start from September 1 to October 10, 2022. Each training
participant will receive a certificate from PPKPI Pasar Rebo Jakarta.
This activity was
carried out at Handayani Center Hall, Jakarta. The event was also attended by
the Head of Handayani Center, Romal Sinaga, Head of the Administration
Subdivision of PPKPI Pasar Rebo Jakarta, Faiz Azri with the Instructor Team,
Secretary of Cipayung Sub-district, Dodo Supendi, the Village Head of Bambu
Apus Noviant Wijarnako, Representing the Chairman of RW 01 Bambu Apus Waluyo,
Head of LMK RW 01 Wagino Barkah and Chairman of RT 006 Nurdin Widodo.
In his remarks, the Head
of Handayani Center Jakarta, Romal Sinaga, said that all training participants
should take advantage of this learning opportunity as much as possible.
"Learn and understand the content of the material, follow the instructions, and obey the rules in training". "In the future, it is hoped that not
only three types of vocational training can be developed, but other types of
vocational training can be developed and improved, such as culinary,
agriculture and animal husbandry or others," said Romal.
Meanwhile, the Head of
Subdivision of Administration for PPKPI Pasar Rebo Jakarta, Faiz Azri,
expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and holding of this training
activity. "Hopefully this training will be useful for the community around
Handayani Center," he said.
With the implementation of this training, it is
hoped that the community around Handayani Center will develop and be
competitive, and it is hoped that in the future this training will not stop
here, but will be the first step in community development in the future.