JAKARTA (July 26, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, represented by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Socially Impaired and Victims of Human Trafficking Waskito Budi Kusumo attended the Coordination Meeting for the Provision of Vaccination Services for Troubled Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMIB) Deportees from Malaysia, which boldly presented the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

This Coordination Meeting discussed plans for implementing vaccination services for 63 PMIB Deportees from Malaysia undergoing eight-day quarantine at the Kemayoran Pademangan Athlete's House, Jakarta, before being returned to their areas of origin.

Before being appointed, PMIBs must undergo COVID-19 vaccination as one of the travel requirements during the emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) period.

While at the Kemayoran Athlete's House, officers will assess the 63 PMIB to find their data/personal identity/Residential Identity Number (NIK) as a condition for implementing vaccination. Officers will also carry out tracing/searches in the field to search the home addresses of PMIBs if some do not have personal identity data (NIK).

"For PMIB who have not been registered yet in the population data system, the important thing is that they are vaccinated first, then tracing will be carried out in the field after the protection against COVID-19 target is accomplished. If there are PMIBs who don't have an NIK, they can't be vaccinated and can't return to their area of ​​origin. Those PMIBs have to leave the Pademangan Athlete House to stay temporarily at the Social Rehabilitation Center belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs," Waskito Budi Kusumo explained.

The Indonesian government repatriated 63 deportees from vulnerable groups from 3 Malaysian immigration depots on July 22, 2021. The deportees came from various regions in Indonesia, most widely being 19 deportees from East Java Province. Furthermore, there were 16 people from North Sumatra Province, five deportees from Aceh Province, and four deportees from West Java Province.

The Coordination Meeting for Handling the Return of Problematic Indonesian Migrant Workers from Malaysia was chaired by the Deputy for Coordination of Improving the Quality of Children, Women and Youth of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) Femmy Eka Kartika Putri and attended by representatives from other Ministries/Institutions including the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BP2MI, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Home Affairs.