MEDAN (11 November 2019) - As many as 10 prospective Beneficiaries (PM) from the work area of the “Bahagia” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) in Medan, North Sumatra and its surroundings, have been declared to have met the criteria and requirements to be ready to receive services in the Hall through Time Bound Shelter (TBS) service. This service lasts for two weeks through Reception activities which are held at the BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan Hall.

This two-week TBS service is intended for PMs who have just been declared HIV-infected and need crisis intervention, assistance and strengthening, both from social workers, psychologists and doctors. This activity was carried out on 11-12 November 2019 by social workers, social counselors and the BRSODH “Bahagia” health team in Medan.

Through this reception activity, it is hoped that the PM can receive social rehabilitation services in the center through meeting advanced needs. focus on individual needs through physical, psychosocial, mental spiritual and livelihood therapy in the form of practical skills, so as to increase capabilities and strengthen personal responsibility to be able to return to society without feeling stigma and discrimination.