JATINANGOR (November 2, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto attended the VIII National Statistics Seminar 2019, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padjajaran University and the development of collaboration between the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the academic world in the framework of preparing post-test and pre-test Measurement Instruments and Indexes. Social Functioning Test (IKS) that is valid and reliable.
On this occasion, Edi Suharto gave two expositions in two different sessions. In the plenary seminar session, Edi Suharto delivered material "Strengthening the Role of Statistics in the Ministry of Social Affairs" and in a Parallel session in a different room Edi Suharto explained the background why it is necessary to compile the Social Functioning Index (IKS) and which conceptions of social functioning are used in a new perspective. five-cluster social rehabilitation program (Progress 5.0 NP) Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia.
Furthermore, the explanation regarding the sampling method, location selection, statistical analysis techniques used, the results of the study and recommendations was delivered by Achmad Bachrudin as a senior lecturer from the Statistics Department, Padjajaran University. In front of the seminar participants who were attended by lecturers, students, and the Head of the Department and Statistics Study Program of Padjajaran University, Edi Suharto stated that in the future the collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Unpad Statistics Department could be continued and developed more widely.
Edi Suharto stated
that the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready to become a sponsor for the IX National
Statistics Seminar 2020 if the Unpad Statistics Department makes Social
Rehabilitation the main theme of next year's seminar. Furthermore, Edi Suharto
also welcomed the collaboration in statistical research and the statistics
student practicum program at the Ministry of Social Affairs.