CIMAHI (October 8th, 2019) – Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto visited "Abiyoso" Center of Braille Literacy (BLBI) to provide reinforcement to the Head and Structural Board of Echelon IV at the "Abiyoso" BLBI Cimahi.
Edi said that, "Abiyoso" BLBI as the only institution within the Director General of Social Rehabilitation in charge of managing braille literacy must have a big dream as a National Reference Braille Literacy Management Institute for empowering people with sensory disabilities (PDSN) as part of advanced social rehabilitation services Progress 5.0 NP.
"From now on remove the image that "Abiyoso" BLBI Bandung is only as "printing", but the nomenclature of the Indonesian Braille Literacy Center, so this institution has a strategic role in meeting the braille literacy needs as part of social welfare literacy to develop social functioning and independence of PDSN," said Eddie.
Furthermore, continued Edi, the promotion of the "Abiyoso" BLBI must be intensified in every formal and informal event so that its presence is known by many people and stakeholders so that the acceleration of fulfilling the needs of literacy to PDSN in Indonesia can be done.
OHH Ditjen Rehsos
Intan Qonita N
Alika Sandra; Karlina Irsalyana