CIKARANG (27 May 2021) - The Law on the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) mandates that performance appraisal is carried out objectively, measurably, accountably, participative, and transparently, taking into account the results and benefits achieved.


To that end, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs is committed to implementing better, measurable, objective, participatory, and transparent accountability management for individual performance and organizational performance through the application of the e-Performance application.


This was conveyed by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, while providing direction on the activities of the Information Service System Development and Human Resources Monitoring of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation through the e-Performance application.


"With the presence of Mrs. Risma at the Ministry of Social Affairs brings significant changes. We must feel lucky because the implementation of e-performance will become our common commitment, which must be carried out by all employees without exception. From middle-high leadership to staff, "said Harry Hikmat. This e-performance application is also very possible to be applied to social rehabilitation companion, explained Harry.


The participation of the e-performance dissemination was not only representatives from the center, but also presented the heads of the centers, the directors within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. Do not think later that e-performance is only oriented to the duties and functions of the staff. But this includes all, including understanding e-performance, he explained.


“Bureaucratic Reform transforms all manual work towards an Information and Technology (IT) approach. "We should have started from an idea that working is paperless, there are not many paper documents scattered around our work," said Harry.


Currently, the majority of work is still by paper, including Employee Performance Targets (SKP) as well as a pile of paper that is produced every year.


"Most importantly, how far is the validity of the filling," said Harry. The IT team can review the job descriptions of each field, sub-sector, or section because it is considered too general in formulating job descriptions. The job description also determines the indicators to be assessed.

"I prefer to refer to RKAKL rather than duties and functions, because it is more concrete. Put it in the activity plan which is stated in the RKAKL, so that we can also find out the output measurements more easily," said Harry. The business process of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) can be a reference for pouring in the Work Plan, explained Harry further.

He reminded that the assessment should not be only an approximate, subjective assessment, it is difficult to find the efficiency, the evidence, it may be unprepared because it is not based on facts in the field that are actually monitored. So, even though the SKP document is thick, the fact is that the assessment is only estimated. Such problems should not have been done, he explained.

"The trick is to have an information system that can monitor the performance of every employee at any level in an effective and accountable manner. This is the spirit that is built-in e-performance,” said Harry. It is time for our generation to think about it. There will be a period of enormous change.

Harry also reminded the importance of maintaining a work culture, employee discipline during the Covid-19 pandemic and even before that. When e-performance is implemented, employees will get feedback, some consequences will affect performance.

“Essentially, e-performance aims to facilitate the monitoring process. Not difficult, "said Harry. In addition, to control performance, as well as to improve the accountability and performance of each work unit, as a whole, it will be the performance of the Directorate to the Directorate General to the Ministry level.

Hopefully, this application can see the relationship between activities or sub-activities in achieving performance targets and monitoring and evaluating performance achievement. Even related to the implications for finance.

"As expected by the Minister of Social Affairs, the performance allowance can be more reasonable and humane than the current condition. But this must be followed by reliable performance monitoring," said Harry. He is excited, this e-performance can be implemented immediately, especially within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, both central and regional.

"Welcoming the era of digitalization, all employees within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation must understand and be able to carry out e-performance seriously and correctly, so that the output of each employee can be known by their respective superiors and superiors know directly what subordinates are doing," he said.

"Discipline, good performance, clear output, better performance allowances," said Harry. When e-performance is implemented, employees can feel what the difference is at work.

In terms of benefits, it should be able to encourage individual performance, not become an obstacle, because there is a reward and punishment system. Passing back to each other will look for reward or punishment. "If you work seriously, you will get appreciation from the leadership and rewards in the form of more appropriate benefits that can be received as rights from employees and vice versa," said Harry.

Furthermore, e-performance will encourage more measurable positive interactions between superiors and subordinates and map employee competencies as one of the employee development planning tools. Performance has become a worldwide indicator.

In principle, later performance reviews can be carried out including interactions that can help guide, motivate employees, clear patterns of thought and action, because we also have performance expectations, there is self-introspection. Because it is IT-based, so you can look back at any time. Accountability could be better and it could also suggest employee competency development based on performance and behavioral assessments.

"Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs at the launching of e-performance on May 10, e-performance can help measure the productivity of the Ministry of Social Affairs Employee Performance. The Minister of Social Affairs said with e-performance what each one does, what the output is so that we don't receive a full salary but don't show good performance at work," said Harry.

The Minister of Social Affairs also said that the existing indicators are connected automatically. From starting hours, hours to go home, output and performance. So that if e-performance is considered poor, it will affect the performance appraisal which will be evaluated by the staffing.

"As employees, we are obliged to be accountable for our performance because our salaries are paid by the people through taxes. The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation will carry out clean and clear good government through the implementation of this e-performance, "said Harry Hikmat.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Idit Supriadi Priatna in his report conveyed the activities of the Development of Information Service Systems and Personnel Monitoring of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation through the e-Performance application which aims to provide technical understanding and guidance to work unit admins and employees within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to immediately implement performance management more measurable, objective, accountable, participatory and transparent for both individual performance and organizational performance.

Furthermore, Idit stated that this activity was carried out from 27 to 29 May 2021 at the hotel and presented speakers from the IT team of the Surabaya City Government e-Performance application with assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs Bureau of Personnel, and was attended by all the admin of the e-Performance application work unit of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation and Social Rehabilitation. About 95 participants attended face-to-face and all heads of UPT Ditjen Rehsos and 1004 participants attended virtually via Zoom meeting.