INDRAMAYU (9 March 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Kahuripan” Sukabumi and “Panasea” Jakarta together with Commission VIII DPR RI distributed Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support to Beneficiaries in three locations, namely Indramayu Regency, Cirebon City and Cirebon Regency. The social assistance was symbolically handed over by Selly Andriany Gantina as Member of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives.


The delivery of social assistance during the Recess Work Visit of Members of Commission VIII DPR RI in Indramayu and Cirebon Regencies was attended by the Director of PFM Region I, the Head of the Social Service of Indramayu Regency, and the Head of the Cirebon City Social Service.


The total social assistance distributed in this activity amounted to Rp427,712,838,300. This amount consists of ATENSI Assistance of Rp. 166,638,300, in the form of disability aids, assistance for Orphans, Fatherless, and Motherless whose parents died due to Covid-19, entrepreneurship assistance, and nutritional assistance.


In addition, Non-Cash Food Aid was also distributed in the amount of Rp. 316,627.200.000 and the Family Hope Program in the amount of Rp. 110,919,000,000.


Sely Andrianigantina, as Commission VIII DPR RI has high hopes that the social assistance provided can encourage the growth of great children in the national and international arena.


The head of the Sukabumi Kahuripan Center, Vivi Marlina also hopes to help as many beneficiaries in the working area as possible through the Kahuripan Center's budget.