BATURRADEN (20 May 2020) - The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing today, has forced people to endure unstable economic conditions. No exception for vulnerable and marginalized groups of people who struggle to meet their basic needs. In the midst of this situation, the Baturraden "Satria" Baturraden Drug Abuse Social Rehabilitation Center is here to help Victims of Drug Abuse, the elderly, people with disabilities, and orphans through the distribution of social assistance.

A total of 600 aid packages in the form of basic necessities were distributed in the Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Banjarnegara areas. This social assistance is channeled through the Social Service Agency / partner agencies, Social Welfare Institutions, village government, or is given directly with due observance of health and safety procedures.

The head of the Baturraden Drug Abuse Social Rehabilitation Center, Restyaningsih said that this activity was a form of social solidarity action. "In the midst of this situation, we, as an extension of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, are open to helping the community," said Resty.

Head of the Social Rehabilitation Service Section, Hendra Permana added that this activity was also a form of KPN social rehabilitation services. He also said that the Narcotics Center in Baturraden would not only distribute this social assistance, but would be ready to help through other programs.

In addition to providing basic food packages, a rapid assessment was also carried out to the recipient of social assistance who were indicated as Victims of Drug Abuse and monitoring of the beneficiaries. After everything is conducive, people who are indicated as victims of drug abuse will receive further interventions to support the recovery of.