EAST LOMBOK REGENCY (July 27, 2022) - In commemoration of National Children's Day
(HAN) 2022 activities in East Lombok Regency, MoSA through Mulya Jaya Center in
Jakarta also attended a series of HAN activities in 2 Sub-districts, namely
Montong Gading District and Keruak District.
In the implementation of the series of activities, Mulya
Jaya Center Team visited several elementary schools in Montong Gading District and
Keruak District to provide dissemination related to the protection of children
from violence.
The purpose of the visit to one of the SDN 3
Montong Betok by the Sentra Mulya Jaya team consisting of Social Workers and
Social Counselors is to provide an overview of violence against children that
occurs in the community or place of residence.
To recognize it, violence against children is
any form of physical or mental violence, injury, or abuse. Not to forget, bad
emotional treatment or psychological violence, sexual abuse, harassment, or
other commercial exploitation of children.
Then violence includes any individual, group, an intentional or unintentional act that causes or has the possibility or is very
likely to cause harm or potential harm.
Mulya Jaya Center Team explained that all of the
problems of violence are not good and should not be imitated because they can
have a negative impact mentally and emotionally.
Amat, Principal of SDN 3 Montong Betok was very
happy to be visited by Mulya Jaya Center team providing information to
increase knowledge for children,
"Thank you for providing very useful
information for our children here. I hope that in the future activities like
this can be carried out sustainably with a longer duration", said Amat.
After providing dissemination related to
violence against children, the team invited the children to play games and
share happiness.
The children were so enthusiastic and happy to
participate in this activity. With counseling about violence, children are
expected to be able to take care of each other to avoid violence and
report to the closest people if they see any acts of violence in their