Jakarta (October 24th, 2023) – The optimization of social rehabilitation services needs qualified human resources as a demand in an attempt to actualize the best services for the people.

The demand is discussed in a presentation entitled "The Strategy for Optimizing Complete Handling of Social Rehabilitation Assistance Through Integrated Services of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation," delivered by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Dr. Salahuddin Yahya, MSi at the Plan of Project of Change Seminar at Level II National Leadership Training.

“There are two things on the agenda of change, which are to make standardized facilities plan for integrated services, and to design a digital service platform of Complete Handling (PENTAS) of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) in SIKS Mobile of Information and Data Center of Social Welfare (Pusdatin Kesos),” Salahuddin Yahya said in the Education and Training Center of Ministry of Religion on H. Juanda Street Number 37, Ciputat, South Tangerang City, Banten on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023.

Two evaluators, M Firdaus, MBA, Ph.D., Prof. Abdurrahman Masud, the coach Hj Wahyu Suprapti, MM, MSIT, and the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Dr. Pepen Nazaruddin, MSi are also present at the seminar.

The change is considered to be very important considering that there are 31 centers throughout the country changing the new regulations from single service to multi-services which requires system support and qualified human resources.

“From single service to multi-services, the transformation needs a change of the human resources’ way of thinking and the support of facilities and infrastructures in handling social problems. One of the ways is by using ATENSI Complete Handling System (Sipentas),” Salahuddin said.

The implementation of the project of change’s purpose is divided into three, that are in short-term, middle-term, and long-term. It provides internal benefit, that is to optimize Integrated Services.

Persons in Needs of Social Welfare Services’ (PPKS) rights fulfillment in the form of social rehabilitation, social guarantee, social protection distribution for PPKS in an integrated manner, and also complementary program through Technical Implementation Unit of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation and provides easy data provision of PPKS to be integrated to 31 technical implementation units of Social Rehabilitation in social rehabilitation assistance services.

The external benefit can be obtained by National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) for it can acquire the data on target and objective of social rehabilitation for PPKS, Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms (Kemenpan RB) for the fulfillment of bureaucratic reform-related to quality assurance and quality control of PPKS public services in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT).

“For Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance, there will be convenience for budget management and National Priority Program Classification; the rights of public services fulfilment for Ombudsman, and there is a support for Ministry of Law and Human Rights’ National Human Rights Action Plan (RAN-HAM),” Salahuddin said.

Meanwhile, the reformer’s self-development strategy includes both self and others. Self-development includes independent off-campus leadership training by being actively involved as a delegate to important and relevant meetings, advisor, mentor, and coach.

To achieve the infrastructure and human resources evaluation and verification agenda, including collective verification and validation (verval) of infrastructure and human resources at 31 centers; preparation of a minimum Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Planning for the facilities and infrastructure of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation’s Technical Implementation Units.

“Also, preparation of a Standardization Plan; submission of standardization draft to experts; the draft of Minister of Social Affairs Regulation; Discussion of the plan for the ATENSI Complete Handling System; continued discussion on the ATENSI Complete Handling System to be integrated into Social Welfare Information System (SIKS); ATENSI Complete Handling System Plan; as well as the design of the residential module ATENSI Complete Handling System," he concluded.