BONE (April 23rd 2020) - Decreased physical condition due to aging, the immune system cannot work optimally, and the presence of comorbidities causes the elderly to be included in the group that is vulnerable to COVID-19.

On several occasions, Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito said that the elderly are a group that must get full attention in this emergency period of COVID-19.

"The elderly is a group that is vulnerable to being exposed to the Corona Virus, so we need to work together and work hand in hand to pay attention and give protection to the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic," said Andi.

Based on this, the "Gau Mabaji" Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) in Gowa held a social action to protect the elderly from COVID-19 by voicing prevention actions for the spread of COVID-19 by distributing packages of compassion, in the form of sugar, tea, cookies / biscuits, free instant noodles, towels and masks for the elderly at the "Makita Walie" Social Welfare Institution (LKS).

The head of the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center, Syam Wuryani, participated in the implementation of activities carried out in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi.

"As an effort to protect the elderly in a situation of this viral pandemic, the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center has carried out social actions to voice prevention efforts and the importance of protecting the elderly from COVID-19," said Syam Wuryani.

Despite the rain, Yani, as he is usually called, handed over masks and distributed compassion packages with the team from the “Gau Mabaji” Elderly Center accompanied by the Head of the Bone District Social Services Agency, the local village government, and the LKS administrator "Makita Walie" in carrying out social actions this time.

The Head of the Bone Regency Social Services Agency, Andi Promal Pawi, expressed his appreciation for the attention given by the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center for the elderly in Bone Regency.

The mechanism for implementing social action is done by door to door to conduct home visits to elderly residences. In this way, visits to the elderly can still be carried out and in accordance with the protocol for preventing the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, this social action activity received support from the Pandang Loang Village Government, Bone Regency. The Head of Pandang Loang Village, Muh Amin, also distributed masks and appealed to the elderly and the community to participate in fighting COVID-19 by implementing its prevention protocol.

One of the elderly beneficiaries, Sitti (71), who lives alone with her grandchildren on a daily basis, admitted that she was very happy to receive this compassionate package. He said that this social action was very helpful and made him understand how to respond to the current emergency situation of COVID-19.

"Now I understand and increasingly understand the importance of maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle by washing hands properly and managing a healthy lifestyle to face the current emergency situation of COVID-19," said Sitti.