BANDUNG (November 22, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto was present as a resource person at the Public Lecture for Students of the Social Work Applied Undergraduate Program of Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic with the material "Social Workers in the Industrial World" at the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic Building Auditorium.

In his presentation, Edi Suharto explained that the essence of Industrial Social Workers is social workers who are set in a company or industry, solving problems in all aspects including health, law, education, and others.

Meanwhile, the focus of industrial social workers deals with three aspects including Profit, Planet and People.

"In this modern industrial era, the role of humans will be replaced by robots, while the only thing that will survive is enthusiasm," said Edi Suharto.

On this occasion, Edi Suharto shared the book he wrote, namely Building the Community, Empowering the People to several students who gave questions related to industrial social workers.

At the end of the lecture, which was attended by 250 students from the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic, Edi Suharto quoted a philosophy of Canibal With Work.

"Humans are playful animals and humans are industrial animals that want to work. And for this reason, Social Science is present as a middle way. Social workers in Indonesia are very fortunate, because the laws on social workers are the most comprehensive. In Asia alone has laws on social welfare is only Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia, "said Edi.