JAKARTA (October 3rd, 2023) – Delegation of The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI) France appreciates the social rehabilitation program held by Ministry of Social Affairs, related to children and women exposed by radicalism value. This appreciation was delivered after the delegates from France visited Handayani Center in Jakarta on Friday (29/9).

This visit from DGSI Delegation aim to discuss and share knowledge and experience in the implementation of social welfare program in France, Indonesia, and some other countries. Besides doing a field observation, the delegates also directly witnessed the rehabilitation social programs, discussed with the staff, especially with the social worker, and discussed with beneficiaries who joined the rehabilitation social program.

“International partnership in handling radicalism and terrorism is very important. We will share the best experience and knowledge to build a safe environment and to avoid terrorism threats,” said Coordinator of General Affairs Work Group, Yulianti Mukhtar, representing the Head of Handayani Center while receiving the DGSI delegation team.

The delegation team was shown by traditional art performance such as Reog from East Java and tor-tor dance from North Sumatra. This art performance is used to introduce the culture and diversity of Indonesia.

Europe Partnership Sub-coordinator of National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Diaty Utoyo Utomo, also focused on the importance of international partnership as an effort to deradicalization. “This kind of partnership will help us to learn from each other and to enhance our effort to encounter radicalism,” he said.

The DGSI Delegates team from France are Joseph Comtois as CT and Judicial Expert-Officer, Thierry Toutin as UCLAT - AT Liaison and Coordination Unit-Expert-Officer, and Olivier as CT Expert-Officer. They were accompanied by 4 staff of BNPT, and coordinator and secretary from each work unit in Handayani Center.

In the discussion session, Thierry said that France should learn from Handayani Center in Jakarta related to the implementation of psychosocial therapy in enhancing social rehabilitation program. He realized that handling the children exposed to radicalism in France was not as comprehensive as in Indonesia.

On their last visit, the DGSI Delegates were invited to get closer to ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Bambu Apus by seeing the activity and the work result from the beneficiary at SKA Gallery. Olivier appreciates the engagement of the beneficiary in the process of learning to make batik shibori and aromatherapy candles. This is because the process of children's skill development is included in giving them empowerment for their future endeavors.

It hopes this visit by DGSI Delegates to Handayani Center Jakarta can benefit both agencies in the effort to encounter terrorist radicalism through the comprehensive social rehabilitation approach.