Jakarta (July 3, 2022) - The theme of this year's National Children's Day is very interesting, Great Indonesian Children, very inspiring for the recognition of protection rights and efforts to promote and fulfill the rights of Indonesian children. Recognition of children's rights to be able to live, grow and develop, be protected from discrimination, and participate in a bright future. This is what is currently being echoed during the three days of the 2022 Renzo International Open Karate Championship, contesting the trophy for the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian from 1 to 3 July 2022 at the Ciracas Sports Center, East Jakarta.


Involves 1,800 karatekas from Indonesia and abroad, the majority of whom are child athletes aged 9 to 18 years. In one of the special interview opportunities, Patron Dojo Renzo Initiator and Organizer, Prof (Ris) Hermawan Sulistiyo who is fondly called daddy by the children said, "This is an international championship event involving 7 countries besides Indonesia, the majority of athletes are great children. Indonesia from various regions competes here. That's because everything is made fun, happy, and responsive to the fulfillment of children's rights!”


Furthermore, according to Mas Kikiek, his trademark greeting, fostering the eight multiple intelligences and character of children is not only in classrooms and in an instant. It takes seriousness to care for children from an early age to be able to develop the behavior of a noble character in children.


One of them is the sport of karate, through which children's karate is directly fostered not only the spirit of sportsmanship but also nobility such as the spirit of knighthood, resistance to suffering, endurance, resilience, and fighting power to achieve gradual progress on independent abilities. Children are also taught to be able to accept victory gracefully and accept defeat with a big heart, not blaming any party.


Through karate training, children will grow and develop according to their aspirations and can actively participate in their future. Is it going to be a professional athlete or make karate a sport only The sound of the drums that were beaten during the opening did not only echo in the five red and blue tatami which was held at the Ciracas Sports Center with a capacity of 5,000 seats which were full every day.

The lively atmosphere of boisterous applause and shouts of children, parents, and the general public echoed as they watched their friends compete with words and cadet kumite made the atmosphere ahead of the commemoration of National Children's Day very thick. On the ground floor and in almost all corners of the hall filled with dozens of words full of meaning and philosophy as well as photos from the history of karate, figures who contributed to the development of karate to the documentation of matches where all children and people can learn, and convey their dreams. and hope in your own hands.

It is undeniable that the international karate competition held at the Ciracas Sports Center is no longer just a competition for senior athletes or cadets. However, it is a forum for efforts to fulfill Indonesian child protection rights. Children learn to galvanize themselves with discipline in the context of their colors and voices.

In addition, children can interact and recognize cultural diversity. The color of the skin, hair, and character of friends and participants from various regions in Indonesia as well as from foreign countries. Directly learn to explore the diversity of culture and nation itself and other nations both on tatami mats. Indonesian children are healthy, strong, and dignified. Bravo Renzo, congratulations on celebrating Indonesian children's day, Osh!