SAMBELIA (July 27, 2022) - MoSA through Wyata Guna Center Bandung held a Social Campaign "Peksos Goes To School" at SMK Negeri 1 Sambelia, Sambelia District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara with the theme "Prevention of Early Marriage".


The increasing number of early marriages in East Lombok Regency in 2020 reached 43 cases from 2019 as many as 31 cases (source: Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Nusa Tenggara Province, 2020), became homework for all of us, therefore, right at the moment of commemorating National Children's Day 2022, Wyata Guna Center Bandung held a social campaign as part of Indonesian Children's Day 2022 series at MoSA.


Erna Lesmana, an intermediate social worker, delivered an interesting presentation, interspersed with the screening of a film about why not to marry at an early age, aimed at motivating students to work and excel at a young age. Psychosocial therapy with nourishment techniques, for building assertiveness through interesting games are carried out to increase self-confidence, build more creative individuals, dare to make decisions, to give birth to individuals who can achieve balance in their lives and high goals.


The Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Sambelia, Pathan, and his staff welcomed this social campaign, to support school programs that have been carried out to prevent early marriage.


"We invite parents, teachers, and the community to provide support for the government's efforts to respect, protect and fulfill children's rights as the nation's next generation because success is a collaboration, not a step alone," he said.