GARUT (August 15, 2022) - Previously on Friday (12/8) the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Pangudi Luhur" Integrated Center Bekasi deployed an Emergency Response Team for survivors, and victims affected by floods in Garut Regency.
This team distributed ATENSI Social Assistance, after the flood disaster that occurred on Friday (15/07/2022) at 23.41 WIB. The location points for the distribution of ATENSI Social Aid are Ciwalen Village RW 8, RW 9, RW 10, and RW 12 and Cikajang District at SDN Cibodas, Garut Regency, West Java.
The Head of the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center Bekasi, I Ketut Supena said "The distribution of ATENSI support is a tangible manifestation of the government's presence through the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in helping flood victims in Garut Regency".
The team together with officers from Ciwalen Village, Garut City District, Garut City Regency, on August 12, 2022, following the previous assessment, distributed ATENSI Social Assistance in the form of elementary, junior high, high school uniforms, school equipment, and nutritional and clothing needs for the elderly totaling 350 packages with a total aid value of IDR175.520.000,-
"I thank the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center Bekasi for providing social assistance i.e uniforms for children and nutritional assistance for the elderly in several RWs affected by floods, this assistance is very useful for our residents," said Cecep Kusnandar Lurah Ciwalen Village, Garut Kota District, Garut Regency.
This activity was also accompanied by representatives from the Garut Regency Social Service and several students from various universities in Garut so that the assistance was distributed properly.
Happy Smiles of Garut Flood Survivors Get Ministry of Social Affairs Assistance

Humas Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Bekasi
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N