INDRALAYA (December 14th 2019) - Six people from the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) resulting from case responses and their parents participated in the Meeting for Strengthening Children and Families (TEPAK) organized by the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Alyatama" in Jambi at at IPWL Sriwijaya. The implementing team is Elyadi, Saptono and Yudha.
TEPAK which takes the theme Harmonization of the relationship between children and parents must be well maintained in order to lead children to be able to function socially well in society in the future.
"Improving the harmonization of family relationships with children can be done during regular visits by parents to meet their children by playing with recreational activities together, outbound together and also doing TEPAK like this," said Elyadi as a social worker.
The purpose of this activity is to maintain the closeness and attachment of children and their families or parents. At the end of the activity, parents and children were given stimulant assistance by BRSAMPK “Alyatama” Jambi.