BEKASI (May 29, 2022) - National Elderly Day (HLUN) is celebrated every May 29 as a form of appreciation for the elderly in Indonesia. This year, HLUN has the theme “Healthy Elderly, Strong Indonesia” which is intended as an effort to encourage the accessibility of the elderly who are independent, prosperous, and dignified.


Referring to the guidelines for organizing the 26th HLUN commemoration of 2022, which was launched by the Ministry of Social Affairs, one of which was the call for community participation to be involved. So entering the 26th anniversary of HLUN on May 29, Ragam Institute together with the Coalition for Communities Caring for the Elderly (KuMPUL), held a commemoration of the National Elderly Day. Precisely on Sunday, May 29, 2022. The volume book “Lansia in the 21st Century” was also launched at this event which is a collection of writers and practitioners interpreting the existence of the elderly.


The presence of this book is very important, especially for young people who feel left out in sustainability issues. The themes in this volume are mostly derived from the results of discussions, research, and recent studies on the elderly. Through an in-depth study, it is hoped that this book can also be a reference for policymakers to pay more attention to the elderly through programs that empower the elderly in Indonesia.


Especially for institutions and ministries that carry out various efforts to facilitate the lives of the elderly. Especially in improving the welfare of the elderly and social protection for the elderly in Indonesia. It is intended that efforts can be made to fulfill the rights of the elderly to be able to live an equal, prosperous and dignified life, to realize the dream of prosperity in old age.


In addition to the book launch, there was also a talk show with the theme "Welcoming Independent, Healthy, and Prosperous Elderly". In general, this talk show is intended for young people. But even so, the participants who attended came from various backgrounds, from Generation Z, members of elderly organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), university students, and the general public, to policy makers.


This talk show presented some speakers representing various groups, including Sri Ayu Rahayu as Representative of the Elderly, Dena Rachman who works as an artist representing the Millennial Generation, Muhammad Rafli representing Generation Z, Adi Santika, a speaker who was present offline, several book authors and expert practitioners. This talkshow was moderated by Yossa Nainggolan, who is the Coordinator of the Elderly Anthology in the 21st Century.


Apart from speakers and moderators, several figures were also present to give remarks on this talk show, such as Nurtami (Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the University of Indonesia), Sandrayati Moniaga (Komnas HAM), and Maliki (Director for Poverty Reduction and Community Empowerment of Bappenas). The event was also enlivened by a Stand-Up Comedy performance by Muhammad Rafli, a student of Criminology at FISIP UI, an Elderly Women's Choir, and a demonstration of dementia prevention exercise from an elderly group around Depok City.

Maliki, a speaker from Bappenas said that the world's population in 2050 is estimated to exceed nine billion people, where the population aged 60 years and over will increase three times the total population. The United Nations estimates that the number of elderly will reach 74 million by 2020 (25 percent of the world's population). Indonesia's population structure itself in 2025 is projected to experience a demographic bonus and enter the beginning of an aging population.

Referring to these conditions, the government is expected to be able to carry out efforts to fulfill the rights and social protection of the elderly and ensure that the elderly live in prosperity and dignity through various programs developed by related institutions and ministries.

Furthermore, Adi Santika, continued that the condition of the elderly in Indonesia who are not yet independent makes us need to prepare well for the period of the elderly population explosion. The data refers to data quoted from BPS in 2019, showing that most of the elderly live in families of three generations or with children and grandchildren (40.64%), children/families (27.30%), and spouses (20.03%), and live alone (9.38%). Data from TNP2K, Elderly Population and Affordability of Social Protection Programs for the Elderly 2017, shows that around 45% of the elderly are in households with the lowest 0% socioeconomic status, 67% of whom live in very poor and neglected conditions.

Another challenge is that socially the existence of the elderly still does not get appreciation and respect from the community. Citing BPS data, in 2014, where the WHO analysis in 57 countries stated that 60% of the total 83 thousand respondents stated that the elderly got lack respect from society. This was indirectly confirmed by the two millennial generations who were present as speakers at the event. Dena Rachman, a young artist who currently works as a designer, said that at first, she did not understand HLUN, but gave appreciation and respect to her grandmother, even though almost all other family members at home could not understand why her grandmother always cooked a lot of food at home while all family members have activities outside the home. So this often triggers misunderstandings internally. With her presence at the HLUN commemoration and reading references from MOSA's website, Dena further expressed her willingness to be able to contribute further to the elderly program as an appreciation for young people in the elderly.

The activity to welcome the HLUN which has been massively echoed by the MoSA is held in a hybrid, online and offline manner. The offline event was held at the Ruang Apung, University of Indonesia, Depok. Meanwhile, online events are held through the Zoom Application and broadcast live via Youtube, followed by people from various backgrounds such as Social Workers, Social Counselors, Religious Counselors, and various other professions related to elderly problems. In addition to Variety Institute and KuMPUL as the main organizers, this activity is also supported by several institutions, including Komnas HAM, Center for Aging (CAS) UI, LBH APIK, and sponsored by Kalbe Farma and Susu Anlene.

Through the Book of Anthology for the Elderly in the 21st Century and a series of activities that have been carried out, it is hoped that all of us can increase our concern for the elderly, and together move to create a more independent, healthy, and prosperous elderly. Healthy elderly, strong Indonesia.