BEKASI (December 6th 2019) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation in collaboration with UNICEF, is carrying out reorientation activities for children's social rehabilitation programs as an effort to address the latest issues regarding social welfare in children in Indonesia which is growing.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto in his remarks when opening the activity said that the Technical Assistance Team has an important role in guarding the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation so that it still has good branding that gives a good impression in the community. Edi also quoted Steve Jobs's famous tagline in the Apple brand, namely "Think Different", which is expected by the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation together with the Technical Assistance Team not to get stuck on the terms or leave a comfortable and safe zone to improve children's social welfare.

Furthermore, Edi conveyed that there are three formulas to get a good impression in the community in providing services, namely PDB (Positioning, Differentiation and Branding) which is expected that the children's social rehabilitation program is not only delivered or only sent to service recipients, but the services provided must give an impression Satisfied Sociality or community satisfaction to the highest peak of service is Loyality and Love, namely recipients of direct services and the community feeling loyal and loving to the Ministry of Social Affairs through Ministry of Social Affairs programs through the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

The discussion of the module for the strengthening of children's capabilities was carried out for three days from December 5th to 7th 2019 at Harris Hotel & Conventions, Bekasi which was attended by 28 activity participants consisting of various elements including UNICEF, the Technical Assistance Team of the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Children and its employees.