TERNATE (12 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Wasana Bahagia” in Ternate continues to be committed to being actively involved in efforts to suppress the spread of Covid-19. By involving people with physical disabilities, the Center will produce non-medical masks which will later be distributed to residents.


Located in the meeting room for social workers and social instructors, the center started an assessment of 16 people with physical disabilities who were beneficiaries of the Residential-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI). Later for the next 14 days, they will produce non-medical masks accompanied by instructors.


The assessment activity was opened by the Head of the Center, Udan Suheli. In his remarks, Udan said that following the Covid-19 vaccination and implementing strict health protocols were the best choices we could make during this pandemic.


"Although we have limitations, I hope it will not be an obstacle for us to contribute to handling this pandemic," said Udan.


"The masks that will be produced in this activity will be purchased by the Ministry of Social Affairs which will then be distributed to residents in need," concluded Udan.


Tika (21) is a Residential ATENSI PM with a physical disability. She told social workers that her right leg shrunk when she was two years old. She started using a cane when she was in middle school. She admits that until now she still feels insecure about his condition.


"Even though people don't say it, I can feel from the look in their eyes that I'm different," she said looking up at the ceiling to hold back the tears that started to fall.


"However, I now feel excited to be involved in making this mask, sharing it with those who can't afford, and it makes me happy," concluded Tika.