BANJARBARU (17 June 2021) — Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Syaiful Rasyid accompanied by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities Eva Rahmi Kasim made a working visit to Budi Luhur Banjarbaru Center which is one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

Also attending this working visit was the Mayor of Banjarbaru, who was represented by the Assistant for the Economy and People's Welfare Development, the Head of the Social Service for the Province of South Kalimantan and the Head of the Social Service for the City of Banjarbaru.

Syaiful Rasyid, a member of the Gerindra faction in the South Kalimantan Constituency, stated that after seeing firsthand the services at Budi Luhur Center which handles people with mental disabilities, he realized that the core function of the Ministry of Social Affairs was in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

According to him, the Center that serves people who are stigmatized or marginalized has not been touched by the government and the public. Handling People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ) is not only enough to handle their health at the Mental Hospital (RSJ), but also needs to strengthen social rehabilitation which also involves the role of the Regional Government.

Social rehabilitation is also to prepare them to return to be able to carry out their social functions again in the community, as well as to prepare the community to accept them back.

Syarif appreciated the skills services carried out at the Center which were prepared to strengthen the Persons Needing Social Welfare (PPKS) program needs socio-economically. He also supports the Ministry of Social's plan to increase the function of the Center to be multifunctional with services that are integrated with other programs, both in the Ministry of Social Affairs and with other agencies.

On this occasion, ATENSI assistance was given in the amount of Rp. 432,000,000,- for PPKS in Banjarbaru City, Balangan Regency, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency and the Banjar Regency Education and Support Foundation for Persons with Disability in the form of a steam washing machine for Daycare Program Beneficiaries.

Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities Eva Rahmi Kasim in her speech explained that the implementation of ATENSI has 7 direct components, namely support for fulfilling a decent life, social care and/or child care, family support and therapy (physical, psychosocial, and mental-spiritual therapy), vocational training, coaching entrepreneurship, social assistance, and accessibility support.

Furthermore, the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities also "We hope that the Regional Government will synergize in implementing programs to Respect, Protect, and Fulfill the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, for example in preparing Regional Action Plans for Persons with Disabilities," concluded Eva.