SIGI (8 March 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs together with Commission VIII of the House of Representatives carried out the delivery of Social Assistance to Beneficiaries in Central Sulawesi which was held at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Nipotowe. This assistance was symbolically handed over by Matindas J. Rumambi as a Member of the DPR RI on Tuesday (08/03/22) morning.


Director of Child Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Kanya Eka Santi said that for the period January – March 2022, the number of beneficiaries in Central Sulawesi who received Social Assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs was 332,306 with a total aid value of more than two hundred billion.


"Social assistance is distributed to beneficiaries through the Basic Food Assistance/Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program as many as 213,729 KPM, Family Hope Program (PKH) as many as 118,252 KPM and ATENSI program as many as 325 people," explained Kanya


Furthermore, Kanya said that the presence of Member of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), Matindas J. Rumambi at the delivery of social assistance during the working visit of the recess of members of Commission VIII of the DPR RI was part of the function of the DPR to supervise the program.


"Social assistance can be realized because of the support of Commission VIII which has fought for budgeting for all Ministry of Social Affairs programs," said Kanya.


Member of DPR RI urges local government to provide the budget for updating data on social assistance recipients.


In this activity, Matindas J. Rumambi, a member of Commission VIII DPR RI, appreciated the realization of social assistance to beneficiaries from January, February, March 2022.


Furthermore, Matindas explained that social assistance can be in the form of goods, money, and services provided to a poor person or family who cannot afford it, who are vulnerable to social risks.


Matindas also emphasized that social assistance was not only can be used by beneficiaries but also by regional governments because of the circulation of money, especially in Central Sulawesi, amounting to 218 billion rupiahs.


"We deserve appreciation, even though we are still hit by Covid 19, but humanitarian programs as the implementation of the opening of the 45th Constitution are still being carried out by the government," said Matindas J. Rumambi.

Matindas J. Rumambi also reminded the regional government that there are still many Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) that have not been recorded so the budget for updating data needs to be supported by the regional government.

"The data update budget is very important and needs to be supported by the regional government because the data must come from the regional government," said Matindas.

On the same occasion, the Regent of Sigi, Mohamad Irwan Lapatta also expressed his appreciation for the ATENSI assistance of the Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Nipotowe” Palu to the elderly, persons with disabilities, and orphans due to Covid 19 in Sigi Regency.

"I hope ATENSI Aid can ease the burden on the recipients and can provide benefits and be right on target," said Irwan Lappata.

Irwan also introduced the “Masagena” card, which is an innovation by the regional government of Sigi Regency in the context of poverty alleviation which is in line with the Ministry of Social Affairs program. Irwan hopes that the assistance provided will encourage the community and the government to be more active in trying to prosper the region, especially the Sigi district.

Yuni Yaarti, a person with a physical disability who is the recipient of the Staple Food Kiosk Entrepreneurship ATENSI program, expressed her gratitude for the assistance provided.

"Thank you for providing business assistance," said Yuni Yati.

The handover of social assistance during the recess working visit of the Commission VIII DPR RI Members in Central Sulawesi was also attended by the Head of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Social Office, the Head of the Sigi Regency Social Office, the Head of the Palu City Social Office, Hanafi as the Head of the Nipotowe Center in Palu, representatives of PT. Himbara, Representative of PT Post, Head of LKS in Sigi Regency and Palu City, and representatives of beneficiaries of social assistance from Sigi Regency and Palu City.